We provide a combination of in-office and telehealth services for children, teens, adults, couples, and families.
6000 Lake Forrest Drive, Suite 103
Atlanta, GA 30328
Online Resources
Educational Resources
www.doe.k12.ga.us: Georgia department of education
www.nais.org: national association of independent schools
www.gisa-schools.org: Georgia independent school association
www.schools.com: association of boarding schools
www.eric.ed.gov: educational resources information center
Autism Spectrum, Aspergers, PDD
www.autismspeaks.org - largest advocacy organization
www.asaga.com - Autism Society of America, Georgia Chapter
www.nationalautismassociation.org - medical and nutritional focus
www.chadd.org: children and adults with attention deficit disorder
www.add.org: attention deficit disorder association
www.addresources.org/directory_websites.php: ADHD websites
www.ncgiadd.org: national center for gender issues and ADHD
www.depressionafterdelievery.com: depression for delivery
www.postpartum.net: postpartum support international
www.depression.org: national federation for depressive illness
www.nosad.org: national organization for seasonal affective disorder
www.divorcesource.com/groups/georgia/shtml: divorce source
www.saafamilies.org: stepfamily association of America
Gifted Children
www.geocities.com/athens/1105/gtld.html: parents of gifted/learning disabled children
www.aagc.org: American association of gifted children
Eating Disorders
www.anad.org: anorexia nervosa and associated disorders
www.overeatersanonymous.org: overeaters anonymous